Monday, August 11

A very long void

I don't how to summarize everything i've done since my last post so I shall tell you people the highlights that meant the most to me.

2.lunch at The Montage! dance pants!
4.stake dance!
5.cake! namanu!
7.ultimate camp activities!
8.the little prince!
9.nancy d!
10.more desserts!

That pretty much sums up everything good that's happened to me since last posting. The little prince is almost positively in my top twenty list of favorite books. Which i must say is hard to get a slot into.What with All the Lemony Snicket, Nancy Farmer, and J.K. Rowling goodness out there.

p.s. i got a lot of bug bites while at camp and now feet continuously itch, and it's agonizing. I like to see this as my punishment for never receiving chicken pox as young child.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Nancy D came to visit?