There’s this super attractive guy who goes to my church ( think 1980’s John Cusack ) whom I’ve been ogling every Sunday for the past month, and today he randomly walked up to me and introduced himself! Problems: He’s a senior in HS, and I’m 19. Too weird? Also, I am only sticking around for 6 more weeks before I move to the other side of the country!! My life sucks.
So what? Live for the moment, friend. Smooch that guy so hard his eyes fall out. THEN leave for the other side of the country.
Brian also failed to see the problem. Boys. sheesh.
when I opened this I thought I was reading Tamsen's blog. I feel better knowing that you are ogling high school seniors and not her.He's not too young to go on dates with if you hit it off. 6 weeks means you can have fun and not get attached right?
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