Sunday, September 7

Alice Cooper was so wrong.

So, since starting school, nothing interesting has really been happening. Just a lot more homework than I would've ever expected for the first week of school. I can handle it though. I'd like to be one of those people who gets all their homework done right away and has the rest of the two days not to worry about much. It's really nice.
Especially weekends! I'm gonna do all my homework asap and then not have anything to worry about for three whole days! It's amazing.
I'm one of those people who works really hard in spurts. So I'll go crazy cleaning everything in sight, and then wishfully think it's never gonna get dirty again because I worked so hard, but it never lasts long. That's why I like weekends so much. Because it gives me that three-day hope that since I worked so hard on my homework that I've done enough for the year, but then a few days later I get more, then more, and then yet again, more. Piling up after each class. Then the wishful thinking starts up again. "I'm gonna get it all done by 5 o'clock today!"
Now that's most likely what WOULD happen, if I hadn't gotten an after-school job. Now I clean a lady's house twice a week. Tuesday is fairly easy. I'm still working out the kinks on how I plan on organizing my time there. What to start on, and what I should leave for last. You wouldn't think it would matter, but there's an entire system to it because they interconnect in the end. You can't dump the trash now because you haven't cleaned the bathrooms yet, or; You can't vacuum the rugs until after you dry mop because that's just silly!
Things like that can drive you crazy with concentration, while you stand there for five whole minutes trying to work out a schedule in which nothing messes up anything you've already done or are about to do. And sometimes you're mistakes don't become obvious until it's too late.
Oh well. At least I get paid.

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